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pátek 13. listopadu 2015

WT Bombing, Fuse delays

Dropping bombs with 6s delay

West Europe.

Using Typhoon IB late 2x1000lb bombs.


 Exploded after 6s (I counted to 5):


You can see, I have dropped the bombs from 520m. But I started to focus the target at 1400-1200m AGL so I had reserve to pull up the nose. Aircraft speed is relatively high: 610-680kmh. I was pursued by enemy so I had no time to focus correctly I was under fire, but I had time to drop it. I was not pointing on any vehicle, I just focused a group. The first bomb was successful but I could drop it a bit earlier, the second one was too late (I felt it but I wanted to see where it will fall. I just wanted to test the distance one normal and one shorter distance of the target).

Notice the blue flash. I think this effect was not there in the old version before 1.53.

Here is the view from the enemy plane who pursued me:

Now using firebrand 2x500lb + 1x1000lb

Notice: the red circle will show you when the bomb was released, the green where is will explode. First explosion is not visible because its cropped. Later the red circles show location of the first and second explosion.

No not be confused with the explosion caused by fire.

I have analyzed the trajectory where I flied and where the bombs hit and I found why I did not hit target. This was because the ground vehicles went in different direction than where I have flied. This probably wouldn't happen with bigger altitude above 1600-1400 m AGL because I would have more time to guess right where they go. I was too close so I did not see the direction where they go. Here are some pictures from my study:

Explosion view from enemy aircraft:

Explosion view from my aircraft enlarge to see where are the vehicles in moment of explosion:

Assault fuse (4.5s) 250 lb bombs

The Rocky Coast.

Using Firebrand 1x1000+2x 250 lb

250lb = 115kg

First I dropped the big bomb 1000 lb. The first tank stopped and when I pressed space so the next one stopped too. So there were two stopped tanks in left (front). The third stopped. The first started to fire. The fourth stopped too. The third was hit. Otherwise the tanks would be moving with standard speed.

The 250lb was dropped in front of moving tank and fallen just before it. The tank exploded just after bomb explosion.

It was extremely low, notice I passed the tank at altitude 50m ASL.
Bomb dropped at 85m.
Power 0%, speed 400kmh (too fast though, not recommended).
I would recommend to do this in higher altitude with speed 400kmh but drop the bomb higher.
My problem was that I had problem to see the tank. It was hardly visible because it was in shadow, there was a dark blue-green ground in the place where it went.

I gonna do few more test at higher altitude.

Using Firebrand 1x1000+2x 250 lb

1000lbs bomb (too far in front, but the target was destroyed)

It is clear it would be nearly impossible to do it in cockpit view from such low  altitude.
Aiming from 400m.
Dropped at 182m ASL.

From cockpit view this seams possible. 350m is the decision point. You must to see your target and some helping point on the right. I see the second vehicle, which will appear near the frame of the window on right side. I know I should move the aircrafts nose a bit to right, so the frame should be closer to the second tank. I guess almost no space should be there between the second tank and the frame.

The Fjord

Typhoon 2x250lb bombs

At the ridge there are some very fast tanks going. I did not noticed that they go so fast, so I aimed too short distance in front the tank. I thought it to be standard speed.

So the distance in the front of aircraft should be 2x bigger. Also notice that the bomb releast from the left wing flied cca 20 meters longer distance then the cross point. I think it is because 2 factors, first of all the cross seems to be ideal for 500 or 1000 lbs, so when the bomb is not so heavy, the bomb flies longer. And second, the angle towards the ground is not good. IDK how explain this at English but the distance to ground in direction of flying trajectory is greater when you start measuring from left wing, is less measuring from middle of the aircraft and is the smallest from the right wing.


Tanky ve Fjordech hned na prvním Hřebenu vlevo:

Okamžik zhozu.
Pravděpodobně okamžik shozu druhé bomby (pravé křídlo)

Co chci zjistit:

1) Jak dlouhý je tank?
2) Jak široký je tank?
3) Jaká je vzdálenost mezi bombou a středem trupu letadla?

Firebrand 1000+2x250lb

The 250 bomb released, the second one is on the right wing. I was too heavy so crashed.
Again notice, the bomb from left wing in more far from ground then the right bomb because I am turning right. This results that the bomb from left wing is falling longer. The bomb clearly falled about 10-15m more forward then it was intended.


Zeleně: tráva, šedě: vypadá to jako kámen ale je to šedá půda a na tom tráva; červeně: místo dopadu

Šedá plocha je vlevo pod červenou září.

Co chci zjistit:

1) Jak dlouhý je tank?
Jakou vzdálenost ujel tank. Od místa shozu (viz horní fotka).
2) Jak široký je tank?
Jaká je vzdálenost od levého okraje tanku v době výbuchu k okraji červené zóny (počátek - střed výbuchu)?
3) Jaká je vzdálenost mezi bombou a středem trupu letadla?
O kolik je levá bomba umístěná výš než střed trupu? Je možné že by to byl metr?

The Rocky Coast - once again

Using Firebrand 1x1000+2x 250 lb

250lb = 115kg 

This was the first try when I missed the target. I give it here to show you how to correct the wrong aiming.

The bomb stopped - now waiting for detonation.

The German heavy tank was not destroyed because he went very slowly, not like the normal vehicles.

I guess the road to have 5m width. The tank is 3,5 more far from the bomb then the route width. So he bomb is 17,6m from the tanks. The tank is well armoured in the front so no change to hit him this way.

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