No delay. Why Gaijin makes all these details of the map when we cannot watch them after dead? You think like 0,5s is enough to watch the scenery? I'd like to feast my eyes on the details.
My suggestion is to give a possibility to watch around the scenery where I crashed or was shot down. Until watching and rotating the game cannot force me to go to menu. When I stop watching around, there will happen the count down 4 seconds.
Another solution would be to add a choice to leave (press "e" key to go to aircrafts menu). This also could be voluntary and settable in settings.
Second suggestion is to give a camera on the parachute so we can watch around the parachute because I want to mean the location where I crashed. Also add a choice if I want to leave, or wait until it falls down. Sometimes it could be possible to watch the air battle.
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