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středa 3. února 2016

New game mode to train to fly in Cockpit

Players who are used to play AB and would like to start to play SB can have such problem that they are not used to fly with the cockpit view. When they enter SB and play versus players who spend many of hours in simulator and have won hundreds or thousands of missions. There is tons of things which I need to control or keep attention in SB so it is hard to start. Even if I play against much more experienced players so the chance that I could learn something new or have some success or enjoy the game is small. I know we can use cockpit in AB but the problem is that if I use it and the rest of players doesn't then I am in disadvantage and my team will lost because of me (because when I fly in cockpit I rarely hit target).

I just suggest to add such game mode to train to fly in cockpit that would enable to learn to use cockpit in AB. The mode would be very simple and easy to do. If you would like to train yourself to play AB with cockpit you would just check a checkbox and then the AB would start in this mode. It also could be an occasional "event" for AB. It would work like this. Most time you fly you would spend in cockpit. You could use the rear view (watching your plane) but there would be time limit how long you can stay in the rear view. So let's give it e.g. 3-5 seconds and some additional limit how often you can use it. This will ensure that all players in game will use mostly the cockpit view. But in the case of crisis you still could use the rear view.

Also in this game mode, there would be better to hide all marks if they are behind object. Marks like targets or aiming mark for bombers they would not be visible if the texture of aircraft is there in the direction of view. The clouds or fog would simply make the target marks invisible, which would be another step to make it easier for SB beginners.

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