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sobota 6. února 2016

Don disembarkment 1942

Suggestion to create new mission called something like "Don river disembarkment". It should be begin of the Battle of Stalingrad. The main idea is to create map with small boats (germans) slowly crossing from north bank to the south. The goal of the German side aircrafts would be to defend the German boats with soldiers. Ideal aircrafts for this task are level I with BR 1.3-1.7 or 2.0. The Russian side (south) task would be to destroy the boats as many as possible (and please add as many as possible boats to the river). They should be slowly and gradually created and continue to cross until they reach the west bank. The points obtains for every kill of boat could be small, e.g. 10-20, but in the result you could gather some nice score because there would be a lot of them. When the rest of the boats reaches the south bank, then they will fight with some Russian units and they will secure the the bank for some time. In the mean time the North army will build bridge to cross the bridge.

The battle should have enough ground forces to take some time. When bridge has been build, Germans cross the river, and then again Russians and Germans GF fight together. The German side aircrafts should support GF to get on the south bank and the Russian side should defend and try to destroy the bridge or to destroy the units on the North bank, on the South bank later. This was the begin of Stalingrad battle and it was a key event.

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