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sobota 27. února 2016

Improve pillboxes [TB]

1) Furnish the pillboxes with a crew and devices needed to defend perimeter.

They can shoot on all vehicles until the zone is not captured or to shoot only on the enemy vehicles when the zone is captured by friendly team. Even that the gun machines cannot damage tanks, they can attack some vehicles which do not have enough armour. Also they can make a bit of disturbtion to the tank crews when they are in the vicinity of the enemy bunkers.

2) Make the pillboxes destructable by vehicles which have suitable guns. I hope this would make use of the light or medium tanks. They could reach the pill boxes before the heavy tanks and destroy them first. So they will find better use in game and get some points.

pátek 26. února 2016

RB Bombing - stationary targets

All you need to do is slow down during descend. Then if you have slow speed about 200-400kmh (depending on your aircraft) and you are heading towards ground, then you
can use flaps to ensure you will be able to get the nose up just after the bombs are realeased.

At altitude 638m I tried to get the nose a bit up. I am aiming and at 615m I am ready to drop the bombs. The pillbox is bellow the yellow circle because the bomb will fall down towards ground because of gravity. If you would have shallow angle, then you would need to get the nose up yet a bit more. My angle was -27° during aiming (at this moment pillbox is just above yellow line). -27.5° when the yellow line intersects the pillbox. Then at 474m altitude the pillbox is not visible, it is hidden under the nose. This is good distance because my aircraft is not in steep angle bigger than -30°. The ideal angle of the nose would be -35-45° then the pillbox should be somewhere just above the yellow line. So at this point I am dropping the bombs.

In this night map I have dropped the bombs at altitude

Here the bunker is too above the yellow line - need to be under it or over it depending on the angel of descend.

Here you see the estimate area of hit. The bombs should bounce so I think the pillbox was hit 100%. The bomb on right could damage the pillbox even if it would be 45-50kg (just a guess).

pondělí 22. února 2016

Give us a choice of coalition in which to fight

A lot of players feel that there is something wrong when you fight with vehicles of your nation agains vehicles of your nation. This is absurd and many of us would welcome a change.

It would be great improvement for game if Gajin would enable an option, that would allow to distribute players in such a way that you will be either on "the bad side" or on "the good side". As in the WWII Germans, Italians and Japanese were the bad guys and U.S., G.B and USSR were the good guys. So please enable to choose in which coalition to play.

Just one option which could be titled like "Join the coalition of the good guys..." or "Join the coalition of the bad guys..." would decide in which team you will fight.

Once you chosen good guys then you will never fight against U.S., G.B. and USSR machines (except the case they were stolen from the opponent team).

Once you chosen bad guys then you will never fight against German, Italian and Japanese machines (except the case they were stolen from the opponent team).

All players of your squad have to be in the good coalition before you enter such realistically distributed match. The hosting player would decide whether to distribute players realistically or unrealistically and which coalition to join.

This will add a feeling of realism to game. You could disable the option, so you have a choice to play unrealistic distribution or realistic distribution.

Bombing with U.S. fighters

Pzkpw III ausf J - ground strike with U.S. F4F-3 45kg bomb delay 2s.

90° , distance 3.3 length of the tank

Left bomb dropped - missed. Too far behind the tank.

The second tank:

90°, 3.5 lengths of tank:

The bomb dropped from the right wing explodes right under the tank.

You need to make correction to left or to right depending on the position of the bomb on wings. This is same as with GB aircrafts (Hurricanes, Spitfires, Fireflies...).

With these small and light bombs you need to realize that the bomb will bouce about 4-5m forward. So in the first try the bomb missed the axis of the tank/trajectory of its direction of movement.


I use 2s delay for small bombs. Probability of the hit is 50-75%.

There wouldn't be any problem to hit the tanks with 250 lbs bombs. But in that case I would prefer to use 4s delays and bigger distance to drop bombs. The advantage is that it is saver because in combat it is advantage to have higher altitude.

This is very low because the tanks in "Apple Gardens" map go so fast! F4F-3 45kg 2s

Bomb on left wing

Bomb on right wing
Here 500lbs, 2s, same aircraft. The distance was too far, 250 lbs bomb would miss:

pátek 19. února 2016

Telephone lines along roads [RB, SB]

I suggest adding telephone and electric lines (wires) along roads. The lines need not to be everywhere but in the main roads where tanks are going. This would make it harder for pilots to perform low air strikes on GF. The lines should be able to damage aircraft or to kill pilot. Another bit of realism to the game. The lines could be drawn in the map if you zoom the map to detail. I also suggest to add telephone and electric lines to train stations, if there will be some in the future, and to airfields or radar stations too. I believe this things could be generated automatically. The pilots should fly with some level of responsibility for their life, so they should be aware that if they fly too low, they can kill themself due to such lines.

In tank maps you could add wires to create communication between bunkers.

sobota 13. února 2016

Tank challenges in air battles (AB)

In tank battles there is possible to enter aircraft combat. I suggest to do something similar for air battles in Arcade mode. In the moment when team GF met enemy GF, there could be a such challenge. To make the combat fair, it would be better if such challenge could be offered only if the combat would be balance. No one would like to join combat 2 vs 5. This challange could be entered if at least two players on one side and two players on opposite side would be ready to join tank battle. One problem with this is, that it is not possible to park an aircraft in the air, so here is few suggestions how to solve the problem:

a) if at least two players landed on airfields then they can join such battle (1 friendly team and 1 enemy team).
b) add a choice to enter the game to those players who were killed
c) add a choice to enter the game to those players who were killed and have a tank crew trained for the machines which are in the game (this would decrease the chance to make such match dramatically).

neděle 7. února 2016

Bombing with Germans

BF109-E1 50kg 1s timer

With Britons I used to use bigger delays. I expected that the bomb will fly longer so it could hit the target. But with 1s timer the bomb did not go to the expected location because it exploded early. Looks like timer 2s would be better!

Not much accurate though

The GF go fast (not very fast though).

BF109-E1 50kg 2s timer (against Shermans M4)

First two animations show my failture. The speed was too fast so in the result not enough time for me to make careful bombing. Due to high speed the bombs have too much energy and they bounce after the hit too much (+width of the road).

Check this - this shows where the first bomb exploded approximately. The first bomb hit edge of the road and then bounce cca 4-5m away off the road. This means, the bomb is too light so it deflected from the marker's mid.

The second and third bomb hit close the right edge of the road, so the third exploded on the road.

Now it's clear, that the correction you need to do is the bigger [length in meters], the higher altitude you used to drop bomb. But the red arrow size is approximately the same length [length in pixels].

So, yes the bomb will bounce a bit, but not so much. In this high speed it is length of the tank.

Now the fourth bomb to come:

The Sherman M4 goes pretty fast from the hill so I had to use bigger distance.
The speed is pretty, it is a bit bellow 400 kmh.
The altitude AGL is very low. Could be about 20m AGL.
The angle is shallow.

Because I am so low, the correction needed is very small (0,5m?) even that I am in low angle. The precision here is quite surprising. The main problem which stayed here is the distance needed to drop bomb in front of tank. Nevertheless I have expected that the bomb will bounce so I have made incorrect correction. No bounce at this small altitude and small speed.

Another attempt:

This one was missed. It was too late drop.

Another examples show successful hit (4 bombs dropped on one tank).

This was at about 400 kmh and low altitude.

Last one in the same map.

This was at about 376 kmh and low altitude with flaps.

Wanted: Trains

WT should have some trains like this:

And classical marks for railway and train stations like this:

sobota 6. února 2016

Don disembarkment 1942

Suggestion to create new mission called something like "Don river disembarkment". It should be begin of the Battle of Stalingrad. The main idea is to create map with small boats (germans) slowly crossing from north bank to the south. The goal of the German side aircrafts would be to defend the German boats with soldiers. Ideal aircrafts for this task are level I with BR 1.3-1.7 or 2.0. The Russian side (south) task would be to destroy the boats as many as possible (and please add as many as possible boats to the river). They should be slowly and gradually created and continue to cross until they reach the west bank. The points obtains for every kill of boat could be small, e.g. 10-20, but in the result you could gather some nice score because there would be a lot of them. When the rest of the boats reaches the south bank, then they will fight with some Russian units and they will secure the the bank for some time. In the mean time the North army will build bridge to cross the bridge.

The battle should have enough ground forces to take some time. When bridge has been build, Germans cross the river, and then again Russians and Germans GF fight together. The German side aircrafts should support GF to get on the south bank and the Russian side should defend and try to destroy the bridge or to destroy the units on the North bank, on the South bank later. This was the begin of Stalingrad battle and it was a key event.

středa 3. února 2016

New game mode to train to fly in Cockpit

Players who are used to play AB and would like to start to play SB can have such problem that they are not used to fly with the cockpit view. When they enter SB and play versus players who spend many of hours in simulator and have won hundreds or thousands of missions. There is tons of things which I need to control or keep attention in SB so it is hard to start. Even if I play against much more experienced players so the chance that I could learn something new or have some success or enjoy the game is small. I know we can use cockpit in AB but the problem is that if I use it and the rest of players doesn't then I am in disadvantage and my team will lost because of me (because when I fly in cockpit I rarely hit target).

I just suggest to add such game mode to train to fly in cockpit that would enable to learn to use cockpit in AB. The mode would be very simple and easy to do. If you would like to train yourself to play AB with cockpit you would just check a checkbox and then the AB would start in this mode. It also could be an occasional "event" for AB. It would work like this. Most time you fly you would spend in cockpit. You could use the rear view (watching your plane) but there would be time limit how long you can stay in the rear view. So let's give it e.g. 3-5 seconds and some additional limit how often you can use it. This will ensure that all players in game will use mostly the cockpit view. But in the case of crisis you still could use the rear view.

Also in this game mode, there would be better to hide all marks if they are behind object. Marks like targets or aiming mark for bombers they would not be visible if the texture of aircraft is there in the direction of view. The clouds or fog would simply make the target marks invisible, which would be another step to make it easier for SB beginners.

pondělí 1. února 2016

Route bugs

The maps are full of route bugs. Do you see the sharp edge? I would like to see vehicle going over it either in slow or fast speed. This doesn't look natural. Think about creating algorithm to locate these sharp edges. You could fix it if you would create 3D route which could be elevated over the mesh if needed.

That would also fix the problem with skewed routes like this:

Can you imagine vehicles going over icy route surface which is skewed like this? So if you would add such algorithm to detect such skewed surfaced under the route, you could fix the route with some special object correcting the surface...