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pondělí 28. prosince 2015

Winds and thermal flow [realism]

In many situations when we fly too close to ridges, hills or mountains, the flight is very unrealistic. The only interest of pilot flying near ridge is to shake off a pursuer. But in real flight the aerodynamic properties of aircraft are affected by wind or thermal flow. There is wind lift on one side of hill and wind sink on downwind side. There are also turbolences and vortexes. Gliders manuals are full of images showing the risks of flying too close. It's not only about risks. It has advantages and risks. The powers which are there depend on the power of the wind or thermal difference. The hot air is ascending and the cool air is descending, which in some places can affect the maneuver you are trying to perform.

In reality the mass of hot air ascending depend on the temperature and on surface under it. If the sun is shining a surface with white snow on it, a lot of rays are reflected and the air is not so hot. Whilst if there grass the warm air will ascend faster. But if there is just black wall (stony rock) it will ascend yet more faster. Also the shape of the terrain affect the flow of the air. So even if there is not real wind, the hot air is moving.

Think about clouds, which should produce shadows. Shadows produce cool air and cool air goes down:

But because the wind is blowing there can be hot air in the shadow under the cloud, which is lifting.

So it is not so simple, but there could be some mechanism which would create not only the wind and the hot or cool air, but also the thermal drifts.

And now the wind:

the wind does not blow straight but it accommodates to surface of the ground.

Ridge soaring should effect the ability to climb faster if you have chosen the correct side of the ridge, but it would create resistance if you would climb on downside of the ridge.

The lift could be helpful in some situations when your altitude is too low, especially if you fly with light aircraft. It could prevent you from hitting ground in some moments when you are strungeling to keep your plane flying.

There are also turbolences right behind aircraft flying before you.

So it could be quite beneficial to make the realistic winds and thermo things. It would change the way you fly, you would be more careful when making some hazardous maneuvers near ground.

I add a poll to find out whether you agree with adding wind and thermo effects in game.

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