This suggestion is about adding special ditches:
The ditches could be destroyed only with artillery fire or bombers. Not sure if mortars could be used to destroy ditches (depends on how big crater can be created by mortar).
The ditches could be added in some special areas, which are crucial to be defended. There should be a task in the mission where bombers must destroy the ditch or ditches.
In some more realistic maps if they be done, this should be very important. It is not about blocking tanks completely. This is not like destroying bridges. Once the ditch is destroyed the tanks can move forward. Until the ditches are not destroyed, they fight from bigger distance. If ditches are off, then you go forward.
Kinds of ditches:
I would like to see the triangular which was used in Russian defensive actions near Kursk region 1943.
On the diagram bellow I have depicted red soil (3D mesh) which is the fixed terrain.
The ditch should be placed over the terrain as object.
I am not sure how this could be implemented, but it would be ideal, if it would be made from more compounds. E.g. If the length of the ditch would be 400m, there would be at least 10 compounds of 4m. Maybe it would be completed from more pieces like 40. But the idea is if small bomb will hit some area of the ditch, it will damage only this area. So if you want to pass tanks over the ditch, you will drop more bombs. 5 bombs could be enough to go through so you would have 5 places to go over. Of sure you could destroy it completely, you could use bigger bombs to make large craters but this could be another obstacle for your team tanks.So ideal weight of bombs 250-500lb. Or many smaller bombs. The result should be permanent so the crater will not be removed later. The crater should be created from the original mesh and the non destroyed parts of the soil. To remove craters you would need to remove the rest of the ditch when you would hit it with more bombs.
The use of ditches would be well visible only for tank battles, for aircrafts this would be just a bad visible target. It should look like brown dark line in green grass surface (or different color of the surface around). The most problematic would be to hit the ditch on snow maps.
The wall object which would create the ditch could look like this:
When bombers or artillery would destroy it, then it would not be so steep and the tanks could go over the mesh or over less steep object.

It would be good to add a special map with more realistic markings which would provide better and detailed information for the pilot.
The blue aircraft bellow is just fixed mark, to mark direction where I should fly from. Artillery marks and camp are clear. There are mine fields too too you could drop bombs on them too to clear path for thanks.
While you are watching in the bombardier view you should see a red cross pointing you to the direction of the task. See radar too.
When you would see the red x cross (area of the target where bombs should hit) it would start disappearing.
Until it is nearly invisible. In this moment you know where your target is because you watched it.
It would be invisible in the moment when you are going to press space key to drop bombs. So you will see the target. This is for bombers which have this view. For fighters/light bombers I would suggest not use this mark (but it should be in the map visible too).
It would be good if I could check the detailed map any time to check my location, but the detailed map is just a photo generated during mission. It should not contain my current position and it should not rotate while my aircraft is rotating. Only situation when detailed map could be updated is the case when targets are destroyed - the x cross would be removed and possibly new target could be added or the task will change and a new map with new target would appear instead the old one.
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