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neděle 25. června 2017

AT ditches

Model of the mesh with AT ditch

This is raw mash been a base for ditch

This object should be created when ditch was bombed.

The advantage is that you need to create only one soil object type to fit one ditch type. It will be duplicated and scaled as needed to create a pile of soil after bomb explosion.

The soil object would be a transfer object which helps vehicles to transfer against it. It is indestructible. Bullets should no go through it. You can hide over the pile of sole if necessary.

To complete the Anti tank ditch it is necessary to add the ditch object which creates obstacle for tanks.

The object is narrow and is needs to have also its side variant. This one is just to illustrate the basic idea.

Anti Tank ditches befor been attacked. Unsuccessful tank attack.

Tank ditches been destroyed by bombs or mortars. Successful tank attack.

This photo shows the soil objects; the ditch objects are missing in the map ...

Details of ditch object side

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