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neděle 14. srpna 2016

Possibility to take more vehicles into battle (AB)

Several times I thought it could be interesting to have possibility to enter to game with multiple aircrafts from my Hangar.

In Air Battles (Arcade mode) when you are not in a squad you can hardly see anybody to cover you. If you ask to be covered, rarely someone could fly with you to be your wingman (#2 or #3). But if you could take your own aircrafts into the game, you could form such formations like these:


The main reason to take more aircrafts would be an advantage: you could simulate more natural conditions of flying. In a war, there was rarely a solitary aircraft flying to battle. Usually they were at least 3. In a game every player goes his own direction and you cannot have control above it. But if you would take your own aircrafts, then you would have the control above it.

Controls and formations
My suggestion would be to use tab key to switch between your airplanes. E.g. I would prepare Spitfire, Typhoon and Hurricane at the begin of game. Then I would started in game with Spitfire and the Typhoon would be on my right hand but behind me in a Wedge formation. The Wedge formation would be default formation. So the Hurricane would be on the right hand but behind the Typhoon.

The first aircraft would be a leader until it is killed. I would start in the first aircraft as a leader and if I would be killed then I would jump to the second aircraft. During a flight I could use tab key to switch between the vehicles. But still the first vehicle would be a leader until it is killed. This means, that If I would like to change direction of flight the formation I would need to turn with the first aircraft. Then I could switch to Typhoon with the tab key.

The aircrafts would follow the leader, but I could switch to the second aircraft and the #1 would continue straight direction (!). Then I would fly around with #2 and the #3 would follow the me. If I would switch to #1 then the #2 and #3 would turn back to #1 leader. Of sure there is now some distance between us but I can turn back to them.

Flying in formation
Let's suppose I fly in the Wedge formation and I am the leader within the Spitfire. I can fly as fast as possible so the aircrafts which should cover me will be slower. The distance will be bigger and bigger... I could attack some ground targets and the formation fighters would come to me. They would follow all the flying actions which I do, but according the possibilities they have. I think like, there should be computer correcting the actions, so they do not hit ground or a rock.... They should have AI. But they should not be allowed to attack ground targets or air targets until I give them a command.

The aircrafts would be there especially for this reason: if I am killed, I can take next aircraft. I cannot defend myself when I am aiming tanks and dropping bombs on myself, but the enemy aircraft has to do a decision. He can attack me because I am attacking tanks. Or he can attack the two aircrafts behind me because they cannot defend themself. They would be pretty easy target at that point. That is disadvantage. But if he shoots on the two aircrafts of mine, then I would have more time to drop the bombs and then to defend/attack against the enemy fighter.

The advantage of this is that the computer pilots would be intelligent so less possibility to hit/crash to planes, but of sure, human enemies still could crash them especially if they do not see him.

If I would say (T key) "Reloading..." because I have no ammo, they could shoot. If I would fight with some enemies I would make some turns in the air and couldn't shoot, but they could. Also if I would say "Kill him" so they would shoot too on a particular target. But this would be very special situation.

The formation would be marked with one single name or all aircrafts would be marked with one name. Here are two possibilities:
A) highlight the name of the aircraft where the human player is
B) do not highlight the name of the aircraft where the human player is

When you would fly against formation made from one human player you wouldn't want to risk. Because in the case that the human pilot's aircraft would not be highlighted you hardly can know what he could do. So you don't want to fly against 3 fighters face to face. Rather you need to find your way how to get on the tail of the #3 or how to attack them from sight. This fight would be more hard because you are not quite sure who is human and who just computer.

Flying in formation would be a way how to discourage enemy or how to attract players who like challenge. If you take 3 bombers instead one, you could reach your target pretty fast. This would be advantage because some bombers are very vulnerable. But you still could select 2 bombers and 2 fighters. This is also solution. Here is a chance to get higher score until you meet some good player / enemy fighter who will clear you out of the sky.

If you attract too much attention and been attacked by 3 human enemies then you are in big disadvantage because you are practically only 1 even that you have 3 aircrafts. You will probably get less points because if you try defensive and not aggressive you will either have less kill points or you will be killed too early (and all your aircrafts too).

pondělí 4. července 2016

Enduring confrontation - replay rewind bookmarks

I got this idea after I played enduring confrontation. I realized that when the game takes hours no one wants to see the replay. If I tried to rewind at full speed it taken about 20 minutes. In general the game is missing rewind function which would enable us to click on timeline and rewind the replay to skip some boring parts. Even if this function would be implemented, it is unlikely you would manage to hit the exact location of your interest because the timeline is too short.

My idea to solve this problem is to insert bookmarks during game play. Everybody could insert bookmark after some great fun he enjoyed. For example I can have really hard fight taking 5 minutes and no time to create a bookmark. But when i have a time, I could use a shortcut to activate menu and select where I want to place the bookmark. The option would offer you 10 choices using keys 0-9 and representing last minutes. If I press 0 it would mean I want to bookmark the current moment. If I press 1, it means I want to bookmark one minute ago. If I press 5, this will add bookmark 5 minutes ago and if I press 9, it will add bookmark 9 minutes ago. This is very simple, just pressing two keys. Then after end of enduring confrontation, you can go to Replay and load the game. You will see bookmarks in the upper right corner as horizontal lines indication the moment which you bookmarked. If you click it, the feature will rewind you there immediately. Then you can start viewing that part. Possibly button next and previous bookmark would be also great improovement.


neděle 29. května 2016


Trying to select orange or brownorange horizontals:




convert highway_mask.gif -blur 0x4.0 -threshold 25%% highway_threshold_40.png

convert highway_threshold_40.png -morphology Thinning:-1 Skeleton  highway_thinned.gif


Better quality and a little bit faster (+1/7):
convert highway_threshold_40.png -morphology Thinning:-1 Skeleton  highway_thinned.gif

small blur


compare -metric RMSE -subimage-search highway_mask.png small_img_board_1.png result.png     


 Or resize image


the result after levels:

and back resized:

Water surface search on the same map:


The result is weird:


Water surface 2:

next try

středa 25. května 2016

Suggestion: Let aircraft crew play on ground when it's forced to land. Add motor(bikes)

When my aircraft is damaged and I need to land out of reach of airfield, I would appreciate if I could leave the aircraft with my crew and go around map by foot. It is usually when I lost my last airplane and just want to have a fun. The crew still leaves so why could we not use it? In the aerial battles this does not affect the game play in any way. Let's have few scenarios what I could do:
  • Land near allied aircraft which is eliminated on the ground and visit its crew or their cockpit.
  • To enter personal chat with the crew of the second aircraft (both airplanes are out of game, but we still can enjoy the events on ground)
  • To run near any allied ground vehicle and visit its interior
  • Get on the ground vehicle and go with it (I couldn't drive it)
  • Possibly if my gunner is alive he/me could try to shoot from AI vehicle e.g. M16 if we can reach it.
  • If there would be some jeeps to the game added, the jeeps could come to the crew and pick'em up. Then I could drive the jeep and enjoy the ground battle.
  • Enemy AI vehicles would not fire on jeeps.
  • The jeeps shouldn't be marked for pilots in the air because it would be too easy to destroy them (they cannot defend so better don't mark them...)
  • Add bikes and motorbikes to the ground. Motorbikes could go with a colon of GF. Bike could be created if plane lands near building. The bike would be placed against its wall. The crew could use these things to move on ground. Bikes would not be marked with color. Motorbikes could be marked but on very small distance, e.g. 50m. So they would be hard to identify.




pátek 6. května 2016

Realistic bombs & rockets- animations

2000lbs - 907kg Mark 84 dropped by Predator in Afghanistan

Crater after this bomb can be 20m wide and 10m deep.

The cam is in 2km distance. The movie goes a bit slower cca +3s.

8kg explosive Rockets AGM 114 L Hellfire

The last radius radius of 8kg rocket: